How Often Should You Clean Office Carpet? If you work in an office, chances are you will be hosting an event or two throughout the year. No matter the occasion, a good general rule to follow is that if there is food, clean carpet! It will protect the investment you’ve made in your office carpet and help maintain an image of professionalism and cleanliness for visitors or clients.
Conversely, some office venues are constantly underfoot traffic or hosting lots of events. If you fall into that camp, here’s a good rule to live by: clean the carpet once a month, at least.
Yes, that may seem excessive to some of you, but it is necessary for some of the dirtier-than-normal scenarios. Think about an office that hosts tour groups every day, and has a rock climbing wall in its lobby. Occupying that space daily will leave dirt and grime in the carpet fibers, so more frequent cleaning is warranted.
If you can’t clean your carpet once a month, at the very least try to schedule some sort of deep cleaning every three months. Again, this will keep an image of professionalism, and it will leave the office ready for all kinds of visitors or clients. Whether you are doing a thorough deep cleaning, or just focusing on the high traffic areas, there are some helpful tips to consider before you begin.
If you are cleaning your entire office space, then consider mixing up a batch of this deep cleaning solution. The mixture will vary based on what you have available, but the below recipe offers a good starting point.
Just dump everything into the bucket, stir it a bit, and you’ll have yourself a good deep cleaning solution. If the office has a balcony, consider adding some additional fresh air to the mix by opening up the door or window for a little bit.
The next step is to spray or sponge on this solution, depending on what works best for you and your surroundings. Then, use a spray bottle of plain water to lightly dampen your brush or mop head before you start the actual cleaning. This will help ensure that the solution is fully lifted out, rather than just pressed into the surface.
To break down this mixture, start by selecting a high traffic area, or perhaps an area that is in direct sunlight. Using your brush or mop head, gently “scrub” the solution into the carpet, and then immediately start to spray off the area with your water bottle. This should be a light watering/dampening.
As you are cleaning, pay special attention to any carpet stains or damaged areas. As mentioned previously, carpet spot removers are great for these problem areas. By spot cleaning as you go, you will keep your carpet looking fresh and clean for a long time to come!
If at all possible, try to do the deep cleaning when the office isn’t in use. This will make it easier for you, and it will ensure that all of the equipment and furniture in the office is free from any chemicals.
Keep these tips and tricks in mind, and you’ll be on your way to a cleaner, healthier office space in no time.
Many people associate office carpets with dirt, dust, and grime. These are the very same people who think the only time to clean your office carpet is when it becomes visibly dirty. If you’ve been thinking this way, it’s time to think again. You should keep your office carpets clean regularly.
The reason is, office carpets tend to accumulate dirt and dust more than your residential carpeting because they are used more often. It’s also easier to see when your office carpet isn’t looking its best because in most cases you’ll be seeing the dirt, dust, and grime daily.
Keeping your office carpet clean should be looked at as an investment in your business. Remember, your office carpets take the brunt of every footstep. It’s not like your home carpets which are under constant use by your family and pets. Your office carpets are usually in plain sight, and you’ll know when they need to be cleaned because the dirt, dust, and grime are visible.
Every office carpet should be cleaned at least twice a year. But, if you have something that’s easily tracked into your business, especially on an ongoing basis, you might want to have it cleaned more often.
Things like coffee spills are good examples of this. If someone spills their coffee on the carpet you’ll need to clean it up right away, and depending on how often someone spills their coffee might determine how often you need to clean your office carpet.
Cleaning your office carpets isn’t difficult, nor is it time-consuming. If you need professional help in this area, check with your local retail carpet store to see if they can help you. If not, simply look in the yellow pages under “carpet cleaners” and you should be able to find someone that can help you.
Remember, keeping your carpet clean will keep it looking better longer. If you think of it like your car, when was the last time you looked at a really dirty car and thought “wow that looks good!” Keep your office carpets clean and you’ll be looking at them in a positive frame of mind regularly.